Vitória Rios's profile

Vitória Rios Design


[PT-BR] Olá! Me chamo Vitória, tenho 25 anos e sou Designer com foco em criação de marcas para pequenas empreendedoras. Entre meus interesses, estão o design gráfico, branding, empreendedorismo e comunicação de marca. Busco sempre solucionar problemas criando marcas de forma estratégica que comuniquem sua personalidade e se aproximem do seu público alvo através do design.

[ENG] Hello! My name is Vitória, I'm 24 years old and I'm a Designer focused on creating brands for small entrepreneurs. Among my interests are graphic design, branding, entrepreneurship and brand communication. I always seek to solve problems by strategically creating brands that communicate their personality and approach their target audience through design.
Níkē tes Samothrakes (Vitória de Samotrácia)

[PT-BR] Niké é a Deusa Grega da Vitória e está vinculada ao Triunfo e à Glória. Todos os Deuses, atletas e guerreiros desejavam Niké ao seu lado, pois assim, a vitória estaria garantida. Premiava aqueles que tinham a melhor estratégia, foco, disciplina e controle emocional.

[ENG] Nike is the Greek Goddess of Victory and is linked to Triumph and Glory. All Gods, athletes and warriors wanted Nike by their side, because that way, victory would be guaranteed. It rewarded those who had the best strategy, focus, discipline and control


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Vitória Rios Design


Vitória Rios Design

My name is Vitória, I'm 24 years old and I'm a Designer focused on creating brands for small entrepreneurs. Among my interests are graphic design Read More
